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On Saturday 02 July 2011, in the Studio. Romany Bobrowska Radio Krakow, took place already the tenth concert of the series' Enchanted Radio London ". The meeting led Anna and Lydia Jazgar Dymna. The special guest of the concert was Olga Bończyk.

Zaczarowane Radio Kraków - koncert "Słońce, ach to ty!" - FOTO Fundacja Anny Dymnej

Title jubilee concert was "The Sun, oh it's you!”. Although the window was rather rainy weather, the musicians and the audience gathered in the studio to the lack of sunshine could not complain. His presence was evident in such hits as: „Iść, still go into the sun ", "More sun my dreams", "The sun in the hat", "So much sun in the city" and "Walk the wild beach". It was happily and clearly, but also sentimental. The audience heard Ludwik Jerzy Kern poem "When the sun comes out for a walk" with music, which is specially composed for a concert Saturday, Andrzej Zarycki. Song premiered by Luke Baruch. The song was dedicated to Martha Stebnickiej, wife of Louis George Kern, who was present among the guests gathered in the studio. Songs full years finalists performed their Magical Song Festival. Mark Grechuta: Anna Red, Angela Wawrzyk, Luke Baruch, Przemyslaw Cackowski, Bartek Martynov, Karol Tomasiak, Katarzyna Nowak and Wojciech Urban. Guest starring: Adrianna Zborowska and Hubert Zapiór, students in the class song of the State Music School st. in the. In. Zelenski Krakow, who sang a poem of John Nowicki "We" with music by "Andrew Zaryckiego. The special guest of the concert, "The Sun, oh it's you!"Olga was Bończyk, Actress and singer related to m. in. Capitol of theaters in Warsaw and Rome.
Artists accompanied by a band composed of: Magdalena Pluta, Joanna Wojtas, Jacek Artemisia, Jozef Michalik, Krzysztof Oczkowski, Michael Półtorak, Matthew Wolf and Janusz Witko.
The event led: Anna and Lydia Jazgar Dymna. Music director of the "Enchanted Radio London" and the author of all arrangements is Andrzej Zarycki. Another enchanted at Radio Krakow meeting will be held in autumn.

Zaczarowane Radio Kraków - koncert "Słońce, ach to ty!" - FOTO Fundacja Anny Dymnej

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