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Views: 60 "The Emperor of Atlantis" („Cesarz Atlantydy”) Victor Ullmann – Kraków Opera – Presentation at the International Opera Competition and Festival in Szeged (Hungary) Armel Opera… Read More »10.10.2011


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Views: 5PREMIERA Teatr im. Juliusza Słowackiego w Krakowie Władysław Stanisław Reymont ZIEMIA OBIECANA – spektakl muzyczny recenzje, gallery, more…


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Views: 7h. 19.00 – pre-premiere screening Teatr im. Juliusz Słowacki in Krakow Władysław Stanisław Reymont – THE PROMISED LAND - musical performance, adaptation and direction: Wojciech… Read More »2.07.2011


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Views: 97On Saturday 02 July 2011, in the Studio. Romany Bobrowska Radio Krakow, took place already the tenth concert of the series' Enchanted Radio London ". Spotkanie poprowadziły Anna… Read More »2.07.2011


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Views: 129Gustav Mahler Festival KONCERT FINAŁOWY Gustav Mahler – VIII Symfonia Es-dur „Symfonia tysiąca” Monumentalna “Symphony of a thousand”, ok. 500 performers from different countries ( 5… Read More »19.06.2011

14, 16, 20 May 2011

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Views: 8Philharmonic. Karola Szymanowskiego w Krakowie KONCERTY DLA DZIECI wykonawcy: Anna Sokolowska, Slawomir Rokita – screenplay, prowadzenie Renata Żełobowska-Orzechowska – kier. banana., fortepian Mateusz… Read More »14, 16, 20 May 2011


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Views: 4Concert “Enchanted Radio Krakow” entitled “Joy, oh it's you!”, which are organized by Radio Kraków and the Foundation Anna Dymna “Despite Everything”. Polskie evergreeny wykonali laureaci… Read More »2.04.2011


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Views: 124World premiere – Krakow Opera musical "Little Lord". Author of music and the libretto, based on the novel "Little Lord Fauntleroy" by Frances Hodgson Burnett – Steven… Read More »12.03.2011


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Views: 140Concert “Enchanted Radio Krakow” entitled “Zwierzaczku, oh it's you!”, which are organized by Radio Kraków and the Foundation Anna Dymna “Despite Everything”. They sang: Raphael Fusiek, Katarzyna… Read More »3.07.2010


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Views: 106Recordings – Andrew Zaryckiego music for the play Anna Dymna Foundation – Despite Everything. …more